Done By Design is a community. It’s a tribe for anyone who needs lifting up and cheering on. As women we have more influence in the world around us than we give ourselves credit for.
As mothers, wives, friends, neighbours, colleagues and leaders the way we show up in those roles impacts those around us. We are often the primary decision makers in our households, the peace makers, the negotiators and the shoulder to cry on. The ripple effect is far reaching.
The challenge is that these roles are undervalued. Rather than being compassionate we are expected to judge, rather than being patient we are pushed for time, rather than showing kindness we are expected to compete. As women we have become disconnected from our natural state. It's time to reclaim and celebrate what makes us who we are.
There is power in momentum. And when a tribe of like-minded souls who live with intention and purpose come together they can change the world. Just knowing that one small act, in one small way is being replicated with intention, compassion and kindness somewhere in the world will give each and every one of us the strength to carry on.
If you are ready to do YOU by design and not by default, if you want to pursue your own personal and professional development, unravelling the social conditioning that keeps you small and without a voice, without the hustle and grind to make a positive impact on those around you then you are in the right place.
Join me for the first five days of each new season to bring it in with energy and intention. Reciting affirmations is a simple but powerful way to ensure we focus and take action on the things that are important to us and the way we live our life.
An online course delivered live for women who are looking for more balance and want a purposeful way to be in the world. With lifetime access to this course you can come back to it over and over again as life shifts and evolves over time.
This is my signature program for leaders who want to transform what leadership means in the modern workplace. In this course we create a new narrative that will inspire you to role model what's possible in a rapidly changing world that is demanding things be done differently.

After a long career as a corporate educator in both private and public organisations I have combined my heart for teaching with my passion for personal development. While a work in progress myself, I see my role as a coach, trainer and healer contributing to the conversation and using my intuiton, skills and qualifications to create a community for those of us who want to be intentional in the way we live and the way we lead. To be honest, I don't always like what I see in the world and I'm becoming more and more aware of how removed we have become from our true nature. I believe as women we are kind, compassionate, smart and savvy at our very core. But our superpowers as intuitive, nurturing, collaborative and compassionate beings have been devalued. It's time for us to seperate ourselves from the social conditioning that has permeated our souls. It's time to reclaim who we are and take charge of our destiny one woman at a time.
If this resonates then join my mailing list for weekly inspiration, tips and resources. I'd love to welcome you there.

Experience & Expertise
Founder of You. Done By Design, Franchise Partner for The Source Bulk Foods (ACT), Co-Owner of The Stitching Room and occasionally a Training Consultant too!
Senior Project Officer through to Senior Executive Service leader across three federal government agencies in organisational development and human resource divisions.
Retailer, trainer, project manager, small business owner
Mother, wife, daughter, sister and friend.
Bachelor of Arts (Major in Psychology)
Graduate Certificate in Education (Adult)
Reiki Level 1 & 2
Masters In Knowledge Management
Transformational Embodiment Coach - Coching Evolved
Registered Hypnotherapist - American Board of Hypnotherapy Member #H38718
HeartHealing® Level 2 Practioner Training