I have developed a range of guides just for you, filled with my easy to follow go-to tips and techniques to make a re-set, whether it be in your life or your career.
You'll also opt-in to my weekly newsletter where I will share bursts of inspiration as well as tips and insights I discover along the way (its ok you can unsubscribe if you find it's not for you). My list is very special to me, and as VIPs I give subscribers the very first look in for anything I produce. The list is filled with gorgeous women just like you making personal and professional development a priority. They get that we live our fullest lives when we do it by design - and not by default.
Just like our cars and electrical equipment every so often we need a tune up! We need to reassess where we are and we are heading. It's so easy to disconnect with our smart, savvy, sexy selves as we drown in the busyness of life. In this publication I give you six steps you can take (one, some or all!) to reconnect with your dreams, assess where you're at and determine your next best steps. Life's too important to leave to chance. We have to do it by design!

Covid has seen the leadership conversation expand. Calls for greater vulnerability, empathy and the courage to connect have been loud and clear. These are not new messages but instead reinforced by a shared human experience. The thing is, that while it's great to say these things are at the heart of effective leadership, there seems to be an expectation that we know how to translate what this means into the workplaces. In this guide I take you through the 5 things you need to know to get on the path of role modelling what it means to be a heart centred leader.
As women we cycle through all four seasons every month. We experience the the warmth and energy of the summer sun, the cool change of the falling autumn leaves, rest and release as we hibernate through winter and rebirth and regeneration that comes in spring. Each of these seasons (which, by the way can also be attributed to the moon phases) has a purpose and when can connect to this purpose we can live in flow. In this guide I give you a snapshot tour of what this looks like and three simple activities you can do to reconnect with the magnificence of you.

In 2018 I decided to take a break from my daily drinking habit - a glass of wine or two (sometimes three) at the end of the day. After all, I worked hard and I so I deserved it right? Can you imaging my surprise when I found I couldn't do it? In this guide I outline the process I went through to reassess my relationship with alcohol. I also point to additional resources and provide my top tips when taking an alcohol break.
Taking the time to review your habits, assess whether or not they serve you or continue to align with your values and vision of yourself
is necessary if you want to live with intention.

All of us feel stress and overwhelm at certain times in our lives, But for some it's more often than others. In this guide I give you 5 simple but powerful techniques that you can use to return to your body, gather your thoughts and press the re-set button for peace of mind.
After all, we don't make good decisions and we can't be the best versions of ourselves we don't feel at our best.

It's not often we take the opportunity to slow down, take a breath and give ourselves the gift of time. By doing this we are able to reassess our lives - where we are at, where we are going and who we are becoming in the process. In this guide I give you 5 simple steps you can use to time and time again to stop and check in as you create and evolve a life you love.
While the steps are simple the act of doing them is not.
If you find resistance pass through it gently knowing that
this IS the work.