I love winter. I love the way it demands that we slow down, go inside, and tend to our needs. It really is the season for spending time with our thoughts, resting and seeking comfort from the cold outside.
When we do this, we tap into the energy of winter as mother nature prepares for a death, making room for a rebirth. A representation of the cycle of life and our evolution as we reside here on earth.
As women we are lucky that we follow the ebbs and flow of the seasons. It’s our way of grounding ourselves in our truth. Just as nature cycles through the seasons, so do we. When do this consciously we get to tap into the universal wisdom of each of the seasonal archetypes. For winter she is the Crone. The wisest of wise women. When we recognise her and activate her energy in ourselves, we turn on our intuitive powers and channel the inner knowing that connects us its source.
It’s the time we can banish self-doubt.
It’s the time we can reclaim our inner guidance.
It’s the time we can choose to trust ourselves again.
When we combine the energy of the winter Crone with power of affirmations, we create a magical combination that provides us with a filter in which to tackle tough decisions. Affirmations are a powerful way for us to reimagine what is possible and to rewire our neural pathways to a new way of thinking. This is why they are used by leaders, elite sports people, visionaries and changemakers across the globe.
So, imagine what this might look like for you as a leader.
You have to have one of those tough conversations. The ones that fill you with dread because the chances are you’re about to upset someone. Ordinarily you’d people please your way through it to lessen the blow. Excusing poor behaviour, you’ve addressed with them before, giving them a chance to state their case again, trying to come out it with the least number of scars possible. BUT what if you trusted yourself to have this conversation. Knowing that no matter what their response or the outcome you’d feel good afterwards because you know you addressed the issue in a way that aligns with your values and your vison of yourself as a leader.
Or, you must choose between two hard options. Neither have a guarantee of working. You make a pros and cons list but you’re fearful of making the wrong decision even through you’ve got an idea which one makes the most sense. So, instead of going with the one that feels right and looks best paper, you seek the advice of others. You put your case forward and ask their opinion. If you’re honest with yourself, you’re looking for validation. You want their stamp of approval. What if after doing some analysis, you could trust your instincts and feel good about your original hunch because you stay tapped into your inner guidance knowing its ok to adjust your approach along the way.
Making hard decisions is a part of the job. Feeling good afterwards is a choice. Too many of us have accepted the belief that making hard decisions and feeling bad as a result is a sign of resilience. It’s not true. It’s a sign of misalignment.
So, over 5 days, starting June 12th 2023, with a group of likeminded leaders in my private Facebook Group, I’m offering a FREE event to show you how to harness the power of affirmations with the energy of the winter Crone, so you can trust yourself and tap into your inner guidance to make tough decisions that leave you feeling good.
During this FREE event you’ll be supported with a 37-page workbook and journal combo (packed with information, insights and ideas that you can access now!), daily emails to pace you through the program and Facebook lives to end the day giving you greater insight into why you doubt yourself, where it came from, how it shows up for you and most importantly what you can do about it!
To find out more and to sign up, click here.
I'd love to see you there.

PS. Sign up now and get instant access to a 37 page workbopok and Journal combo full of insights and inspiration. You can access it by clicking here.