This is a week of endings. The last module for Life Done by Design went out on Sunday. I have a final coaching session with one of my clients during the week, and I am surrounded by boxes as we pack up our apartment for our next move. We're get closer to moving into our new (and final!) place which is 3 months away from being move-in ready.
I’m reminded that growth, change and evolution can be slow.
You see, it was three years ago that we decided to pack up life as we knew it to live more simply, without debt and with a smaller environmental footprint. It was timely as our businesses were expanding and so where we.
So, we dreamed, contemplated, considered, and returned to the things that where most important to us as we transitioned into a new phase of life. We were looking to live in a way that was more aligned to our values and provided us with more freedom, more financial security, and more opportunity to support our family and loved ones in the ways they needed us to.
And so, we packed up, sold up and moved on to consider our next step.
We took the first step to knowing the next right one would reveal itself .
In its own time it did. It wasn’t what we had expected. It’s taken longer than what we thought. It’s very different to what we would have done had we not taken the leap of faith and allowed for space between our initial decision and our final destination.
But it feels right. It feels aligned. It feels divine.
So, what about you?
Are you contemplating a change or looking to grow and evolve into a new phase of life? Have you been thinking about a promotion, a career change, starting up a business, or just working differently – becoming a mentor, a role model, an advocate for change, a different type of leader?
Or maybe you want to do life differently like I did.
Whatever you are seeking here’s what I know to be true about evolving our growth and experience of life:
Our external life is simply a manifestation of our inner life. Joy, happiness, fulfillment and contentment are an inside job. They can’t be found in the things external to us.
The journey is about becoming, not accumulating. The more we focus on who we want to be and embody the essence of that being; the closer we get to achieving all that we desire. Remember the outer world simply reflects the inner world.
Progress is an act of trust. We must learn to trust ourselves and trust that there is something bigger than us out there cheering us on and showing us the way. We need to make the first move from this place of trust. If we wait for someone/something else to do this, we’ll stay exactly where we are.
There is no beginning and there is no end. Growth and evolution are a continuum. It’s an ongoing process of “up leveling” that comes from facing our shadows, releasing our traumas, and healing our wounds. The more we open ourselves up to questioning our own truths and beliefs, the more space we create to receive -
spiritual guidance, intuitive nudges, the physical manifestation of our desires.
Now that my friend is worth waiting for don't you think?

PS: Did you know that as well as designing and teaching my courses I’m a qualified Transformational Embodiment Coach? That means my training has been rooted in ICF (international coaching federation) standards and practices and is enhanced by the use of energetic embodiment practices. These practices include breathwork, visualisation, EFT (emotional freedom technique) to name a few. If you are interested in finding out more; or if this style of coaching is for you then send me an email and let’s chat. There is no obligation and definitely NO pushy sales talk!