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The heart of the matter

Writer's picture: Emma MasonEmma Mason

Did you see Phar Laps heart on TV the other night? Apparently, it was his secret weapon, and it could be yours too!

Phar laps heart was 1.5 times the weight of an average thoroughbred racehorse giving him the advantage of both speed and stamina. But more famously his big heart was seen a symbol of courage and hope. He came from humble beginnings and rose to the top of racing greatness in his short life during the great depression, giving everyday punters a sense of hope and possibility during a treacherous time.

But what about your heart? Can it do the same?

Did you know that according to quantum physics, your heart has an energetic frequency 5000 times stronger than your mind? That, according to the research of Dr Joe Dispenza, when we open our hearts, we become more creative, better able to solve problems and live the life we desire.

Science is now telling us it’s the heart that informs the brain, not the other way round. How we feel matters!

So, with that in mind how you are feeling at work right now?

  • Are you relaxed and open for opportunities or do you keep things close to your chest? Afterall, you’re constantly watching your back, right?

  • Do you give yourself time and space to strategize and experiment or do you feel the pressure to do, do, do? That you're judged by what you produce not what you can offer.

  • Can you propose new ideas and innovative solutions, or do you feel like no-one listens, and you’re ignored or not taken seriously?

Did you know that many of these beliefs come about from experiences that have impacted our heart? Things we experienced in our childhood that have spilled over to our adult lives – both personally and at work. Whether that’s a loss or trauma, feeling rejected, betrayed, judged, unsafe, not accepted, abandoned, not worthy or not enough in some way.

From these experiences we learned to put walls up around our hearts to stop us ever feeling that pain so intensely again. But in doing so, we also created energetic blocks that now stop us from receiving the unconditional love, success and abundance we truly desire and dream of.

At work, this has stopped us becoming the confident, creative, visionary leaders we know we really are. It gets in the way of us dealing with challenging situations that help us grow and evolve our careers. It stops of us from feeling fulfilled and on purpose because we know we have more to offer and more to give.

Changing jobs, moving teams or swapping industries might provide some relief but the reality is when we do these things, we take ourselves with us!

So, for sustainable change, we need to delve into the heart. The place where both our wisdom and our wounds reside. We need to take the brave journey into ourselves to remove those walls and open our hearts. This is how we access the courage and the knowledge to redefine what it means to be a woman with power and influence.

Just like Phar Lap won over the world with his big heart, we need to do the same. We too can defy the odds and give the punters a sense of hope and possibility. This will come from being creative, feeling safe to explore and experiment with a new way of leading. A way that works for us all.

Are you ready to lead from an open heart?

PS This is why I added HeartHealing™ to my coaching services. To give my clients the true transformation they are looking so they can become the change-markers and visionary leaders they know they are meant to be.

HeartHealing™ was recently accredited by the Association of Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists, (UK) with Foundation Degree level qualification status! Here in Australia that is equivalent to 3/4s of a bachelor’s degree! That’s how rigorous and professional this modality is.

To celebrate this for a limited time only I'm offering 5 women the experience of a single HeartHealing™ journey AND I’m going to throw an additional follow up coaching session to make sure the transformation is embedded into the change you are looking for.

That means for the cost a single HeartHealing™ session we will work together to get to the heart of the issue that’s holding you back from being the leader you know you are destined to be.

If you’re interested in finding out more click here for more details. .

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