I know its early days but I’m voting YES…. I’m open to be talked out of it but that’s my starting position – yes, yes YES!
I don’t need to be convinced that a voice to parliament for Indigenous Australians is a good thing. I know it is. I know it in my heart, I know it in my soul. In fact, I know it in every part of my being.
I get that the words in the constitution are important. I understand that action is needed but I also know that the intent, the symbolism, the healing and the coming together that this one vote alone represents is substantial. Too substantial not to be fully embraced.
We have a dark and sombre history here in Australia. And, while we might be tempted to argue that it’s not of our making, we are all connected to it by the very choice we have made to be here and reside here. Therefore, we have a responsibility to make sure that when we vote in the upcoming referendum, we do it with an eye to the future we want to create, to the type of country we want to belong to and to the type of society we want to be. While individually may not have created the past, we have an opportunity set in motion a new future.
It’s our chance to contribute to the collective healing of our country.
It’s our chance to right the wrongs of our ancestors; and
it’s our chance to provide hope, equality, and dignity to the future generations of all Australians.
It really is a privilege to be part of such a history making event.
So, my hope and plea is that all Australians start with a YES. That we make the job of the campaigners not to be one to convince us it’s a good idea, but for the no camp to explain to us why it wouldn’t be.
After all there is no amount of detail, structure or wording, more information that (call it what you will) that can express the sentiment that the first people, those who are indigenous to Australia, should be explicitly recognised in the constitution to have their say and be listened to and heard by the parliament on matters affecting them.
And yes, it really is that simple.
Is your starting position going to be yes?
