One of things I love about where I live is that we get all four seasons. Being in the southern hemisphere we are transitioning from winter to spring and the last week has been magic. The leaves are starting to return to the trees, the blossoms are out and the temperatures are rising. It’s the time of year when the layers can be peeled off and you feel the comfort of the warmth of the sun against your skin again.
For us, we entered winter in the heights of the corona virus lock down. It felt like a true hibernation and I like many of you, I took the opportunity for what it was. A chance to bunker down at home, get back to basics with our businesses, stay connected to our families and loved ones and strip away the complexities and unnecessary distractions from our lives.
Emerging from the hibernation of winter into the new light of spring this time round brings a heightened sense of renewal. I have new plans for each of my businesses, I’ve done a spring clean at home, the heavy winter coats have been packed away and the colour is starting to return to my wardrobe. And so continues the ebbs and flows of life. The peeling away of the old to make room for the new.
Our cyclical nature as women allows us to live into this flow.
When we step out of our masculine and the constant need to be doing and return to our feminine, our state of being, we hear more clearly and we learn more deeply about what our body and soul needs as we cycle though the seasons. This intelligence is our superpower. It’s the certainty that lives in us all. It’s the blueprint that contains everything we need to know and need to live out our lifes desires.
This is what living through the seasons looks like for me.
I no longer live in a linear world. I don’t prescribe to the hustle and grind philosophy. I no longer apologise for my mood swings (as I know they are coming and prepare for them - mostly!) I no longer “push through’ when my body is telling me to rest. I’m not interested in a regular routine or being told what I can or cannot eat or what my body should or shouldn’t look like at a particular time. Instead I’m finally learning to celebrate her and all the wisdom that resides within.
When I am in sync with her I am more productive, more creative, more nurturing and a lot more fun to be around. I plan what I’m going to do because I know exactly when I can work productively, communicate effectively and come up with new and creative ideas easily. I also know when I need to work less and rest more. I am prepared for when my emotions are heightened, and I know how to process them and integrate them into my very being.
I am no longer surprised by an emotional outburst, ashamed of my changing shape, feeling lazy by not keeping a regular exercise routine or compelled to push through tiredness.
So, as I enter Spring I can thank and release with love those winter kilos that have served their purpose but are no longer needed. I can uncoil from the hibernation of winter and stretch under the warmth of the Spring sun and I am refreshed and ready to face the challenges and opportunities that come from a new season that symbolises hope and optimism. I can surrender to the rhythms of my own cycles knowing that everything is exactly as it should be. It’s so liberating.
What does living through the seasons look like for you?
If you would like to design a new season that’s fits perfectly with you then you might like my 5 Days of Affirmations. A kind and gentle way to welcome in Spring and the hopes and optimism that marks the season of regeneration. It’s free and you can find out more here.

PS enrolments for the beta version of Life.Done by Design will open Wednesday 9th of September for a Monday 14th September start date. Check it out here. The page will be updated over the coming week with more details.
I’ve updated my LinkedIn Profile so we can hang out there too of you prefer!