Are you feeling anxious about heading back to work after working from home for so long? Don’t worry if you do, you’re not alone. For many working from home has provided a level of flexibility they didn’t know was possible. It’s allowed us to pop a load of washing on and hang it out at lunchtime. Spend more time in the morning prepping ourselves for the day ahead and chance to take the dog for a walk in the afternoons instead battling to get out of the office on time.
For others, it’s been a chance to work in a more focussed way, away from the distractions of other people. Providing the opportunity to get more done. Some are more energised having more time alone, expending less energy in the company of others (yes, introverts I see you!) A chance to reflect on the work we do, why we do it and possibly reignite our passion…. or give us the chance to see we’re on the wrong path. However, the experience has been for you, if you’re feeling a little anxious, I’ve got a few ideas for you as you head back into the office.
Here goes….
1. Get out of your head and into your body. As women our bodies are our barometer. See if you can notice where you are holding any tension and breathe into that area and see if you can melt it away. The act of talking long deep full belly breaths changes our physiology and helps clear the mind so you are in a better state to cope and come up with workable solutions.
2. Check the facts. Are you feeling anxious because you are unsure as to whether or not you can maintain some of the flexibility you gained? Instead of assuming things are the way they are, ask and get clarity. If you open up the conversation you might be surprised at what you learn and what you can negotiate.
3. Ask for what you need. I know, asking can be hard. But, if you need something, are concerned about social distancing arrangements, the cleaning regime or anything at all you need to discuss it with someone who can do something about it. You should never feel like your needs don’t matter – they do. Anyway, its likely someone else is thinking what you’re thinking too.
4. Make some changes. Did you love that you could manage the housework and other household tasks during the week to give you more free time with your family on the weekend? Why not consider getting some additional help at home then? A laundry service, a house cleaner, someone to clean the car, a gardener. No, then what about reducing your hours? Still no? Then how about delegating household tasks to your partner and the kids? Time with your family and your wellbeing must be prioritised if it’s going to happen.
5. Focus on the things you can control and that you really enjoy about being in the office. Coffee at your favourite coffee shop, lunch with colleagues, brainstorming sessions, in-office jokes, hallway catchups.
6. If it’s your job you’re not so keen on anymore then start thinking about what you do want to do. Life’s too short to be in a job that doesn’t light you up. While implementing the other ideas (especially the one about focussing on what you do like) start thinking about what you do want to do and research what you need to do to make that step. It might take you a while but when you’re taking action, you’ll feel good about yourself and your circumstances.
Want 5 more easy to implement tips that you can use anywhere anytime to reduce those feelings of stress and overwhelm, re-set and get back to being the most fabulous version of you? Then download my publication Reduce Stress & Achieve Peace of Mind from my resources page and know that everything you need you already have access to. This guide will show you how.
