This week is the first week of the beta version of my Life. Done By Design course. To say I’m grateful to be in this position is an understatement. This is a moment I have had as a vision for a long time now. I remember the day I enrolled in a course, where I was when I read a passage from the prescribed textbook and declared out loud that that is what I wanted to do. I also remember the disappointment when the course got cancelled and the day when I had to pack that dream away and get a “real” job. That was over 20 years ago.
But now as I look back, I can see how the dots have joined. I can see how those past years where preparing me for this big vision of mine. I also know that a single decision I made four years ago and a single decision I made 2 years ago, and the subsequent action I took, have landed me where I find myself today, sitting in my office at home writing this blog to you as I finalise the materials for my first live training with the amazing women that put their faith in me and joined the beta version of my very first online course.
But let me go back and start near the beginning. Like many of you I was taught very early on to be a “good girl” and while I was by no means compliant and had my own ways of doing things I still understood on a very cellular level that there were boundaries I was expected to stay in. I did some things that were unconventional at times and I did some things that were very conventional at other times. The older I got the more I found myself following the traditional route - have a family, build a career, get a credit card, buy a nice car, take out a mortgage, go on an overseas holiday and so the trajectory goes until you find yourself so tied up in a cycle of earn and pay that any options you might have had are suddenly gone! If you are lucky enough you have a job you love and so you don’t really notice it until suddenly you don’t love that job anymore, (or you lose that job) and that’s exactly where I found myself around 4 years ago at decision number 1 – stay or go? I decided to go.
Deciding what to do next was easy. I’d already made the decision before I left. Deciding how to do it was another process to come later. Despite leaving my job I still felt trapped in the cycle of earn and pay. After 2 years of significant change and personal growth my beloved and I had an honest conversation about what we really wanted from life. What it would look like and what it would feel like. We got brave, we packed up the lifestyle we had built together and took decision 2 – to follow our hearts.
And now I find myself, like you are, navigating my way through the challenges of the corona virus. According to some I have arrived here at exactly the right time. Why? Because they argue what we are witnessing is in fact a need to recalibrate. The restoration of balance between the yin and the yang, the masculine AND the feminine. And while women across the globe for generations now been fighting to be seen, heard and treated as equals, the most well-known of the feminine archetypes, Mother Nature herself, it seems has something to say.
Many women feel her call. Women from all walks of life. It’s not a space reserved for a partuicular type. Rather it’s calling in to all women. An invitation to return to the wholeness that we used to occupy – that one that is now labelled as too much, too loud, too selfish, too ungrateful and taking up too much space. We were born for times like these. Our bodies are the manifestation of creation and re-creation. It’s our centre of power and now is the perfect time to reconnect to the deep wisdom that resides within. Mama Gena sums it up perfectly in an article she wrote recently when she says
…. we have the opportunity to support the emerging divine feminine. Some of us feel a sense of urgency now, to find our own leadership in a new way, an ancient way. To awaken the slumbering feminine genius who lives inside, and let her lead.
And so, this is the foundation module for our training. The returning to our bodies, listening to our intuition, and marvelling in the miracle she is. It’s our Child Pose module – just like the Childs Pose in Yoga. It is the place to come to when we need to rest and restore, and where we will re-emerge from, ready to face a new world, one a we create for ourselves.
And so, I invite you to do the same. If you would some free resources to assist you do this then check out the free publications available on my resources page and hop over to my social pages and lets all do this together.