One of things I absolutely love about my life is how things just come together. When I have a vison or an opportunity and just know in every inch of my being it’s meant to be and that despite all the odds, the stars align, and it comes to fruition.
I’m living one of those moments right now.
You see two of my three children live in Darwin and some of you might remember from an earlier post that my new grand baby is there too.
So, when hubby was invited by a friend to ride a pushbike from Darwin to Broome earlier this year for the month of August, I just knew the opportunity to spend a month in Darwin while he was away, was too good to miss.
Darwin weather is gorgeous at that time of year.
So much so that heading north is every southerner’s holiday destination over winter. Especially with no overseas holidaying.
But as a consequence, for a few months now there has been NO mid-term accommodation available in Darwin. So, other than pitch my tent in the backyard or spend a month sleeping in the lounge of my sons place with a new baby, it was starting to look like my dream month away was just that – a dream.
But I held out hope.
And then last week the magic started to happen.
The place where my daughter lives was sold.
The lease on the apartment that her Aunt owns and rents out was being terminated early.
So, my daughter is taking the lease at her Aunts place and looking for a flat mate.
The time between her moving and my plans to be in Darwin is just a few weeks so I get to be her first housemate. Accommodation issue solved (and in a better way that I could have ever planned for)!
It’s a small but mighty example. This is how my life works.
You see when we take charge and embody a vision of how we want to live our life we open the door to the unlimited power and potential that resides inside us to make things like this happen seamlessly. We create the magic that allows these types of synchronicities to occur.
I want this magic for you too.
When we live in this state we live with the confidence that we can make big decisions and take the right action to create a life that is meaningful, magical and on purpose. We have a deep knowing that everything will be as it should. This gives us a beautiful sense of peace no matter what is happening around us - even if it feel like the odds are stacked against us. In this state, life is always working for us.
And so, I’ve created framework that I take you through in my six-week Life Done By Design program so you can expereince this too. This is the exact framework I use to create magic, change and transformation in my own life.
It’s the framework that I’ve used to:
Build two amazing self-sufficient businesses that only require my love and affection after leaving a long public service career. I love the time I spend working on them as I get to choose when and how that happens.
Establish a retail store with my sister which for me is an act of love (it’s a sewing store and I can’t sew a button on!) I get to hang out and meet some amazing creative women while doing the things I enjoy and helping build her dream business.
Purchase our dream home for more than I thought we could afford by looking at our finances differently and adopting an abundant mindset, whilst maintaining a debt free lifestyle.
Create flexibility in our lives so we can hang out with friends and help, support and be available for our families as they need us.
Establish this business – Done By Design – a business that’s been in my heart and on my soul for a VERY long time. I get to combine my corporate skills and passion to empower women to change the world by reconnecting with their superpowers and simply showing up as themselves!
So, if you have some big dreams and want to reconnect with your passions and your dreams then Life Done By Design could be the program for you.
It’s definitely the program is for you if:
you are ready to discover and embrace a more authentic way of living and showing up in the world,
want the confidence to live in a way that aligns with your values,
want to shine from the inside out,
want to live with ease and flow; and
are ready to do YOU!
AND, if you want to do all of that WITHOUT:
having to turn your life upside down,
compromise your relationship with your loved ones; or
add even more things to your to-do list!
Sound like you? Then check out all the details here. Enrolments are now open for the winter program commencing week beginning Monday 28th June 2021.
I’d love to see you there.

PS Here’s what Sue from Hobart had to say after completing Life Done By Design
"If you are considering this course, do it! I think you have nothing at all to lose, only things to gain".
PPS The pic for this blog was taken in Darwin in 2019 in front of the house I grew up in!