Go from feeling weighed down by the big decisions in life to feeling less burdened, lighter and more aligned to your values as you confidently design a life you love.
Are you a busy, capable woman and yet feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions and expected to do it all?
Do you wish you had the chance just to stop, take a breath and just catch up with yourself?
Would you like the time to reassess who you are, where you’re going and who you are becoming in the process?
If you answered YES and want to feel like a more confident and truer version of who you really are then now is the time to step up and do life by design – on your terms and in your way.
An amazing career that allowed you to contribute and give back. Where you could climb the ladder based on your experience and expertise and be respected for your knowledge the unique perspective you bring?
A beautiful family that supports you, that you could nurture and grow with a partner who shares your values and vision for the future?
A life that’s exciting, fun and full of surprises. One that’s financially secure and allows you to own your own home, drive a nice car and have regular family holidays?
A circle of friends you could spend time with, share the ups and downs with and lean on when you needed them?
Only to find life’s harder than you expected. That there is more to juggle than time in the day. And that while you have all of these things there’s still some things that aren't quite right?
Welcome to the world of the modern woman!

“I’ve got everything I ever wanted but I’ve got this uncomfortable niggling feeling that won’t go away”
“My girlfriends have turned into facebook friends. We really need to make more of an effort to catch up – but to be honest it’s just another thing on my endless to do list”
“I’m overwhelmed by the busyness of life. I don’t know how everyone else does it”
“I’d love some help around the house but if feels like more effort to ask than it does to do it myself “
“I can’t complain or say anything because I should be grateful for what I have”
"I love my partner but we just don’t have time for each other at the moment. It’s impossible to have intimate relationship when everyone wants a piece of me”
These thoughts are normal and more common than you think.
And if you’re thinking these thoughts it's not because there’s something wrong with you or you’re not good enough or because you’ve somehow failed.
NO, it’s because as women we are expected to do everything AND do everything in a mans world.
Now before we get any further let me be clear I am not a man hater. In fact, I love men and have three of my own that I adore (see I even put a pic with me and my beloved as he's one of my all time faves). I also feel for men, because like women they’ve also been taught some untruths that do not serve their soul. However, that is a course for someone else to run. My focus is on YOU.

Regardless of our gender we are all made up of masculine and feminine energy and as women we tend to carry more feminine energy. However, modern life requires us to tap more into our masculine - the energy that requires us hustle and grind. We don't have time for our more feminine traits as stuff just needs to get done. And so, we end up unbalanced. We’re human beings living in a human doings world!
Woman are cyclical by nature yet living in a linear world. Regardless of what stage of life you find yourself in, energetically women cycle every 28 days. The world revolves around a 24 hour time frame. Therefore, we have to adapt and in doing so go against our natural rhythms and flows – no wonder everything feels like a struggle at times!
Women carry the mother wound – a generational wound that goes back to rise of the patriarchy where women healers and intuitives (witches) were burnt at the stake for speaking out. Women’s “magic” was feared and through a process of demonisation women where not only shamed and publically outed for their wisdom but also turned against each other destroying the foundations of the sisterhood. This shame and fear lives on, passing through each generation silencing women keeping us small and disconnected.
Now we've got that out on the table let me tell you what I know about you
You want to be great in your career but you don’t want to play the politics, hustle and grind or grow b*lls to prove you have what it takes. Oh, and while you don’t want to be at your boss’s beck and call 24/7 you secretly love that they need you – the smart, savvy, grown up version of you.
You don’t want to miss out on living life. But you've also worked hard for your career and you're torn between your personal life and your career. You feel like you have to choose between them, that you can't have both. And, if you do, you won't do either as well as you want to.
You love your partner, but you don't have the time or energy for them. You want to feel more connected, more loving like you used to. Things might be different if you had some help - without having to ask. And why is it they don't understand how hard it is for you juggling e-v-e r-y-t-h-i-n-g?
You want to hang out with your gal pals without kids or partners in tow. You just want to hang out, drink a glass of wine or two, paint your toenails and indulge some girly ME time but there’s always something more pressing to do. And anyway, when you do make the time you end up feel guilty and obligated to make it up to everyone. How can you relax feeling like that?
You’re tired. That in-your-bone’s- tired. But the only solution to getting sometime to yourself and some exercise in is to get up at 5:00am and even less sleep definately isn’t going to cut it.
You suffer from a low level of anxiety. There’s this cloud of worry that just hangs low enough for you to notice it. It doesn’t stop you from functioning, but it keeps you small and in a mild state of fear – about keeping it all together, all of the time. One missed step and EVERYTHING will unravel.
You can't say no. After all there's nothing more shameful than being labelled as selfish now is there?
REDISCOVER the parts of you that make you uniquely who YOU are – not the mum version, the employee version or the partner version. The one you used to know and have fun with and really like a lot. You know the chilled one.
REDEFINE what's really important to you in this season. Give yourself some slack and give your self permission to be perfect at a few things - not everything.
UNRAVEL the limiting beliefs about who you are meant to be and how you are meant to behave so making changes (even the smallest of ones) don’t feel like it will lead to everything falling apart.
REDISCOVER your relationship patterns and make space for growth and understanding so you can connect more deeply with your partner, have fun with your kids, have guilt free girl time and set healthy boundaries.
RELEARN what it means to be a woman in the modern world and understand that its not that you can't have it all. It's about having what makes YOU happy, not what everyone else says you need to be happy.
RECONNECT with the inner wisdom that already resides in you and learn to trust her once again. After all she has ALL the answers to all your questions.
REDESIGN your life on your terms, according to your rhythms and the beat of your own drum to become the woman, partner, mother, friend you are destined to be.

I am excited to invite you to join me for my six week program Life. Done By Design. A live online course and membership you can come back to over and over again as life changes and evolves, with me Emma Mason, transformational embodiment coach. I am passionate about women living into their potential. You see I believe that empowered women who live passionate lives can change the world and the world needs more kindness, more compassion and more connection. When we as women step into our superpowers we live and lead with out hearts. We role model what's possible and we inspire a new generation to do the same.
I don’t have a silver bullet and your life won’t be transformed in 6 weeks (or it might!). I can guide you, prompt you, prod you and ask you hard questions but you have to do the work. Living with intention is a lifestyle not an event – and this is why it’s a program with an optional membership. want to live life more fully, more passionately and more intentionally in your feminine energy (yes we are going to talk about cycles, seasons, energy and the moon. But we will also talk about stereotyping, neuroscience and socialisation). I have a 6 phase framework that I will take you through. It’s a framework you can come back to time and time again as you pass through the ebbs and flows of life.

Do you
Discover your values
Dream the possibilities
Disrupt old patterns
Develop your pathway
Design your life

Weekly Course Videos accessible for the duration of the course
Weekly Course Notes to keep forever
6 Week Journal you can use over and over again
Introductory Embodiment Practices videos (such as tapping (EFT), stream of consciousness journalling, visualisation and breath work accessible for the duration of the course with audio recordings you can download and keep.

Weekly one hour live Q&A calls every Wednesday 4:40 pm
Weekly course materials sent straight to your inbox
Facebook lives and QA sessions during the week
Access to support for the duration of the program
Access to the online private Facebook group to learn, share, connect and celebrate with others on the same journey

Your satisfaction is my priority and so I offer a 2 weeks no questions asked money back guarantee

I joined Emma’s course Life. Done By Design to get a clearer picture and access tools to deal with my past, present & future me. I really wanted a process to find a “better me:” By doing the exercises, delving in and pondering on the issues and stumbling blocks that have previously got in the way I found a clearer path for achieving peace in my thoughts and my actions going forward.
Before I completed this course, I was floundering and couldn’t find anything that resonated with me. Life. Done by Design did and now I have a clear path going forward, I feel less burdened and lighter in my soul.
Donna, Canberra
I joined Emma’s course Life.Done By Design to help me move forward by being more decisive about which ideas for the future I should be implementing, understanding why and being confident with my choices. Since completing the program I understand myself better, understand what stops me from creating the future that I want. I’ve now been able to implement some first steps with more confidence.
Before I completed the course, felt like I was treading water and putting off important decision making and making excuses. Now I feel more confident to go out and get what I want in my life. I have more clarity, more motivation and more confidence to continue to unpack and remove my blockers and move forward.
Leanne, Canberra
I found Emma’s course Life.Done By Design when I was in the middle of making big life decisions about whether to fully immerse myself back into the growth of my own business or extend my time in a safe and secure contract job. I loved the course overview. It resounded for me at many levels - both professionally and personally, and it just felt it had come along at the right moment!
Before completing this course, I would have described my life as manic. But now I feel more settled and a lot clearer about how my big life changes came about. I can now see the different choices that are available to me and I’m looking at these with a more a more heart centred perspective.
If you are considering this course, do it! I think you have nothing at all to lose, only things to gain.
Sue, Managing Director, Hobart
For the skimmers, a quick recap. Life.Done By Design is a 6 week online program which includes a comprehensive set of resources, access to a private Facebook group , limited class numbers and weekly live coaching calls for a one off investment of only $797.00. This includes videos of embodiment practice sessions including breath work, tapping (EFT), visualisations and steam of consciousness journalling.
​I have over 20 years experience in designing and delivering innovative, thought provoking, life-changing training programs and this one will be no different. I understand that personal growth and development is a life long pursuit and so I will give you the option to stay in my private community so you can access monthly training and any of the lives sessions time and time again.
Got a question, want more info? That's OK email me anytime at
I'm excited at the prospect of you joining me on this crazy journey called life!