Are you ready to create your leadership legacy?
"And, go from feeling tired, frustrated and overwhelmed as you climbed the career ladder INTO a powerful role model, leading with purpose and a renewed sense of self as you become the leader you were destined to be".
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ARE YOU? .......
Are you exhausted? You know that "in-your-bones" tiredness that comes from constantly being everything to everyone else? OR
Do you sometimes wish you could just take some time out to remember who you are and reconnect with that smart, sassy, cool chic that got lost somewhere between the intray and to-do list? AND
Does despite all that, does the thought of doing something big and meaningful STILL get you excited and fill you with all the good feels?
I bet you’ve tried to recreate those hopes and dreams you had when you first entered the workforce ready to take on the world but it wasn’t long before your to do list got in the way and you never quite got the time to consider your next step.
Or maybe you love your job but it’s an energy suck because you spend so much time playing politics you don’t get to enjoy the actual role anymore.
Or it could be that you’ve settled. Convinced yourself that you’re lucky to have such a great job even though deep down you know you’ve got more to give. If only others could see the potential that lives in you.
I had a job and a career I loved but I was exhausted trying to be what other people wanted me to be. When I realised that my job was more about fitting into other people expectations and required me to do things that didn’t line up with my values or how I saw myself AND I couldn't work out how to change it, I knew it was time to leave.
I know what it’s like to pretend that everything is ok when it isn’t.
I know how it feels to ignore that niggle because you should be grateful for what you have.
I know how hard it is to admit out loud that somewhere along the line you’ve lost confidence. That you’ve stopped backing yourself.
I know what it's like to wonder how you got here.
And it's NOT because there’s something wrong with you or you’re not good enough
It’s because as women we’re expected to change who we are to fit into a world that's designed for men. This means as ambitious women we have to "fit in" or be rejected by the very system we have worked so hard to become a part of!
Now before we get any further let me be clear I don't "blame men" and I am not a man hater. In fact, I love men and have four of my own that I adore (see I even put a pic with me and my beloved). BUT I do believe the workplace is skewed and that it's going to be up to another generation of brave badass women to continue to stand up & call out the things that just aren't right. The "system" needs to change. It needs to become more inclusive. It needs some of our magic.
It means that despite all the changes and advances that have been made towards gender equality, the underlying social systems and structures are broken. We continue to live in a patrichial era that is built on the assumption that women are "lesser than". That we are emotionally unstable and cannot be trusted. After all it was Eve that took the apple right? For as long as activity and achievement in the pursuit of personal power through economic advantages remains as the primary driver of a modern society we will continue to see significant impacts on the health and wellbeing of ourselves our families and our communities. Something needs to change. We need more balance. Yin and Yang. Masculine AND feminine.
It means that regardless of our gender we are all made up of masculine and feminine energy and as women we tend to carry more feminine energy. However, the modern workplace, particularly amongst the leadership ranks, requires us to be more in our masculine. The further we stray from the balance of our natural state the more overwhelmed, stressed and anxious we become particularly given the additional responsibilities we juggle at home. Many women leaders compensate for this trying to control their environment and becoming even more in their masculine. It's no wonder many women lose sense of who they are!
It means that even though woman are cyclical by nature, we live in a linear world. Regardless of what stage of life you find yourself in, energetically we cycle every 28 days. The working world revolves around a 24 hour time frame. Therefore, we have to adapt and in doing so go against our natural rhythms and flows. Consider that many women rise to senior leadership positions during perimenopause/menopause. We have been socialised to believe that our menstural cycle is inconvenient. Instead of celebrating the miracles we are and the wisdom that resides in us as we age we feel"cursed" reinforcing the beliefs that our bodies let us down and we can't trust our inner knowing - the source of our superpowers!
It means that even though history has shown us that women survive through being part of the "sisterhood" - sharing a common understanding and working together to improve their communities, this power base has been decimated. Women carry the mother wound – a generational wound that goes back to rise of the patriarchy where women healers and intuitives (witches) were burnt at the stake for speaking out. Women’s “magic” was feared and through a process of demonisation women were not only shamed and publicly outed for their wisdom but also turned against each other destroying the foundations of the sisterhood. This shame and fear lives on, passing through each generation silencing women keeping us small and disconnected. No where is this more present than in the modern workforce where leaders are competing against each other for resources, recognition and promotion.
Now we've got that out on the table let me tell you what I know about you
You want to be a well regarded, respected leader and a change-maker. But, you're sick of having to play the politics, the constant hustle and grind and you really don't want to have to grow b*lls or join the popular group to prove you have what it takes.
You've done the corporate suite of leadership training. You understand how to manage a budget, how to manage a team and how to manage a project. And yet you feel unseen. You're the reliable, agreeable one. The one everyone likes but not the one everyone wants to promote.
You love being part of the leadership team but wish you could speak up about things that you feel uncomfortable about. Such as those times when you know what's been decided is logical and makes sense on paper but your gut is telling you something else and you just want to slow the process down and discuss it a little more. Or, when someone says something that you feel has an undercurrent of slander, sexism or racism and everyone rolls their eyes (again) but no-one says anything.
You love your life. You're good at your job, you have the family life you always wanted but you are tired. That in your bones exhaustion we talked about earlier that comes from trying to be everything to everyone. You're also a little lonely, the lonely that comes from not being able to be vulnerable - to express how hard things can be, how you sometimes feel like an imposter and not good enough for the responsibilities you have.
Be seen. You know REALLY SEEN for who you are what you can contribute.
Get underneath that need to be"a good girl" and really discover who you are and what impact you could make if you could just get rid of those shackles that keep you small and exhausted.
Define and role model a set of leadership qualities that empower you and make you confident with who you are and what you stand for.
Showcase your skills and gifts without having to compromise your values, who you are and what you stand for.
Be a badass change-maker. The one who shows up as her most authentic self, not afraid to be vulnerable and with the energy and courage to take on the world.
I am excited to invite you to join me in my 12 week program Leadership. Done By Design. An online course with live support with me Emma Mason, a success coach for senior leaders. I am passionate about women living into their potential. You see I believe that empowered women who live passionate lives can change the world and the world needs leaders who aren't afraid to show more kindness, more compassion and more connection. When we as women step into our superpowers we live and lead with our hearts. We use our intuition and bring our whole selves to the job. We role model what's possible and we inspire a new generation to do the same.
In Leadership. Done by Design we:
uncover YOUR values (not the ones you are expected to have)
look at the female experience to understand where we are and why our workplaces look like they do
identify our unique sources of power so we can use them to create positive change
set the course for personal transformation
embrace the leader within
Weekly course videos
Supporting resource
Work Book
Additional readings and references
60 minute weekly live Q&A calls
Implementation weeks to catch up and dive deeper
Weekly course materials delivered straight to your inbox
Weekly check ins and Q&A sessions during the week in our private Facebook group
Access to support for the duration of the program
Access to our online private Facebook group to learn, share, connect and celebrate with others on the same journey
Your satisfaction is my priority and so I offer 2 weeks no questions asked money back guarantee.
....you want to commit to becoming the leader that you were destined to be. If you are prepared to do the hard work and be satisfied that even though you might be shut down, that someone in the room is witnessing and learning. Someone is changing their view and someone is making a commitment to be more like you when they get the opportunity to. If you are open to rediscovering the feminine that lies deep within and are curious about how working with your cycles, seasons and the moon can improve your experience as a leader then we're going to create magic together!
I don’t have a silver bullet and your leadership development won’t be over in 14 weeks. I can guide you, prompt you, prod you and ask you hard questions but you have to do the work. Leading with intention is a way of working not an event.
And, if it helps I have a Bachelor in Arts (Psychology) a Graduate Certificate in Adult Education a Masters in Knowledge Management (organisational culture). I had a 25 year corporate career spanning Organisational Learning and Development, in both the private and public sector, spending the last 5 years in Human Resources Management. I have coaching credentials, am a registered hypnotherapist and a level 2 HeartHealing™ practioner. I currently own four businesses - 3 retail stores and this online business. Yep, I take on a lot!
Your investment for this this 14 week course with full course notes, access to a private Facebook group, limited participant numbers and weekly live online calls is $1497.00. There will be an opportunity to stay in our community, receive monthly trainings and full access to further live rounds.
For the skimmers, a quick recap. Leadership.Done By Design is a 14 week online course which includes a comprehensive set of resources, access to a private Facebook group , limited class numbers and weekly live calls for a one off investment of only $1497.00. There is also the option to join our private community so you can access regular support and attend upcoming live versions of the course.
​I have over 20 years experience in designing and delivering innovative, thought provoking, life-changing training programs and this one will be no different. I understand that personal growth and development is a life long pursuit and so I will give you the option to stay in my private community so you can access monthly training and any of the lives sessions time and time again.