
Make decisions that good
through the power of unlocking your own inner guidance.
Join me and a group like minded women in my private facebook group for 5 days from the 12th - 17th of June where in less than 30 minutes each day I'll show you how you can make tough decisions without second guessing yourself or feeling like you have to abandon your values to do so AND I'm doing it for

Instead of avoiding that hard conversation, you could walk into it confidently knowing you can handle it AND you’ll do it in a way that means you can go home and sleep at night.
Instead of dreading your presentation at the next Executive meeting, you’re were excited because you know you’re going to knock it out of the park EVEN THOUGH your colleague who disagrees with everything you propose will be there.
Instead of second guessing yourself and looking for validation and approval from others, you could make the tough choice about your project KNOWING you can handle the fall out... if there is one.
Seasonal Archetypes
When you harness the real power of and put them together with the energy of the
you create a potent mix that reconnects you with your own inner guidance.
Affirmations by themselves are so powerful they are used by high-performance sportspeople, entrepreneurs, and leaders to keep them focussed on their vision and their values. They become their NorthStar guiding their decisions to ensure they stay on track and in the direction, they set for themselves.
Add the enegy of the seasonal archetypes (afterall as women we reflect the natural ebbs, flows and cycles of nature) and you access the authentic power source available to women. Not the masculine version we've been squeezed into!

THATS RIGHT! Tough decsions get to feel good to us too. We just need a different lens to look through.
The Crone is the seasonal archetype of winter. She is the wisest of wise women. She has learnt to trust herself and tap into her intuition. She represents the season of intraspection as she takes the journey inwards to connect with the universal wisdom that lives within us all. This is the season to let go of the things that are no longer working for us to make room for the new things coming in spring.
When you harness the energy of the Crone you tap into to your natural abilities and intuitive powers to remove the doubt and second guessing that gets in the way of you confidently making decisions and showing up as the leader you know you where always meant to be.
Join me for 5 FREE Days of Seasonal Affirmations where I show you how to use the power of affirmations together with the energy of the seasonal archetypes to build the confidence you need to trust your intuition and make tough decisions that are aligned with your values and your vision of yourself as a leader.
We're starting Monday June 12th
SIGN UP NOW and you’ll get…
Immediate access to a 37 page workbook and journal combo filled with insights and ideas that you can use immediately to stop procrastinating and start believing in yourself and feeling good about the decisions you are making. Valued at $249
5 powerful affirmations emailed directly to your inbox each morning to counteract the 5 most common disempowering thoughts of the seasonal archetype (the Winter Crone) that stops you from trusting yourself to confidently make decisions without having to seek other people’s opinions or approval first. Each email will set you up with a clear intention and the confidence you need to get through the day feeling good about who you are and what you do. Valued at $99
5 Facebook lives to bookend each day to share and reflect on the days affirmation and provide deeper trainings into the light and shadow sides of the seasonal archetype so you can see why it’s so easy to self-sabotage AND how you can counteract this. You will have the opportunity to get your questions answered and receive personal feedback on your experience so you can build your confidence to trust yourself to make those tough decisions. Valued at $625

That's over $900 value for less than 30 minutes of your time each day!
So, for the time it takes to travel on the bus to work, mindlessly scroll through your socials, or watch a mind-numbing TV show you can get up close and personal with the wisdom of the Winter Crone and unlock the secrets to making tough decisions that feel good in every way possible. What's there to say no to?
Hi, I'm Emma
I’m a Success Coach for Women Leaders feeling at a crossroads in their careers. I help them gain clarity and confidence to decide the next move that’s right for them so they can rewrite the rules about what it means to be a leader with power and influence.
I spent 14 years in the APS growing my career from an APS 6 to an SESB1 when I found myself burnt out and broken, eventually leaving a career I loved. If I knew then what I know now I would have made different decisions! So, it’s my mission to make sure you don’t do the same.
I have a background in organisational development and graduate qualifications in psychology, post graduate qualifications in adult learning and knowledge management. I am a certified embodiment coach, a registered hypnotherapist and Level 2 HeartHealing™ practitioner.

Self exploration can be scary. Emma's methods make this work... more fun and lot more fulfilling.
I can now see the different choices that are available to me and I’m looking at these with a more a more heart centred perspective.
I discovered different perspectives was exactly what I needed to help me move forward.
Yep, I'm ready ...
Send me the 37-page workbook and journal combo filled with insights and ideas I can use RIGHT NOW to stop procrastinating and start believing in myself valued at $249 that you’re giving me for
Sign me up from Monday 12th of June to receive 5 powerful affirmations emailed directly to my in box over 5 consecutive days to counteract the 5 most common disempowering thoughts that are stopping me from trusting myself to confidently make decisions without having to seek other people’s opinions or approval first. Valued at $249 that you’re giving to me for
Send me the link to join the 5 Facebook lives so I can share and reflect on the daily affirmations and receive trainings into the light and shadow sides of the Winter Crone. I’m ready to stop the self-sabotage! Valued at $625 that you’re giving to me for
Is it true this is a FREE event? YES it is! I'm so excited to share the truths about why as women we don't trust ourselves to make the decisions deep down we know we want to. I also want to give you the experience of what its like to re-connect with your body. Its the place where we as women store our wisdom. Once you tap back in it will feel like a homecoming.
How much time will I have to set aside each day? You will need LESS than 30 minutes each day to experience the power of this event. Just set aside some time in the morning to read your daily email and do the journalling activities and then jump onto the Facebook live each night. Finish each day reflecting using the journal. For less time than it takes to get to work on the bus, scroll mindlessly through social media or watch a show on TV, you can literally change your life (and career!)
What if I miss the facebook lives? Thats OK! They will be stored there and you come to them when you are ready. You watch them later use the #replay to participate and still be in the running for the giveaways! Yep there will be prizes!
I'm not making a tough decision right now, can I still join? YES, please do! If you do the work you will find the 5 days transformational. It will set you up to learn to trust yourself again and when you do have a tough decision to make you'll be well prepared to make it AND feel good about it.