Come on a HeartHealing® journey to unlock more confidence and clarity in the most sustainable way - from the inside out. Lead even more authentically, without those old fears and limiting beliefs that have held you back. So instead, you can role model the change you want to see in the world.
It's time for us as wise, mature women to step up and rewrite the narrative about what it means to be a woman with power and influence. We do this best when we do it through the heart.
I am Emma Mason, a Success Coach for senior leaders & one of the first fully trained HeartHealing® Practitioners in the world. For the last three years I have been working with senior leaders who want to transform what leadership means in the modern workplace. I help them create a new narrative that inspires them to step up and role model what's possible in a world that is rapidly changing and demanding a new way of doing things (without having to play political games or sacrifice who they really are).
As HeartHealers our collective mission is to break the cycle of ‘not enoughness’ and self sabotage patterns we pass down to our future generations by healing 10 million hearts so that more women, just like you, can experience the deep levels of inner peace, confidence and success needed to be the intstigators of social change. After all, it's women like us, who are prepared to do things differently, that will lead the change needed to create a better, fairer, kinder world.

We have all had experiences that have impacted our heart, whether that’s a loss or trauma, feeling rejected or betrayed, judged, unsafe, not accepted, abandoned, not worthy or not enough in some way. We learned to put walls up around our hearts to stop us ever feeling that pain so intensely again. But in doing so, we also created energetic blocks to receiving the unconditional love, success and abundance we truly desire and dream of.

HeartHealing® is a revolutionary integrative healing approach used within the subconscious state which expertly and uniquely combines scientific, spiritual and energetic principles for deeper and more profound shifts than most purely scientific-based methods. It has been changing and impacting lives in as little as one 1 hour session.
Most methods in the transformational industry focus only on the power of the mind, and whereas mind transformation can be powerful, it is only one layer. HeartHealing® is the missing link to wholeness, and focuses on the most radical and powerful transformation you can ever experience: healing your heart. Your heart holds the wisdom to what is really holding you back and reveals the hidden wounds your mind cannot see. According to quantum physics, the heart has an energetic frequency 5000 stronger than the mind, so it makes sense that healing your heart creates a much bigger transformation than just healing your mind.
The unique combination of scientific and spiritual techniques mean that this method imprints change at the mind, heart and soul level for profound and deep transformation other methods just do not compare to.
Here are just some of the things clients have reported releases and shifts in (some being almost immediate including the through a single Enougness session, others gradually unfolding across the Leading Through the Heart HeartHealing™ package):
Energetic shifts around toxic relationships allowing them to take back control, breaking the responder pattern.
Deep healing and acceptance of childhood trauma that isn't acknowledged (and may never be) by the perpetrator.
Profound realisations of subconcious beliefs and patterns that have impacted their ability to find love and allow themselves success.
Feeling inner peace and lightness where a weight has been lifted for the first time in their lives
Significant shifts in self worth, self love and self trust allowing them to show up and be more visible.
Huge shifts in relationships with parents and siblings due to healing their hidden relationship wounds.
Recognition of repeated relationship patterns (and triggers) from childhood, into adulthood and at work.
I recently had a HeartHealing™ session with Emma.
It was a beautiful and profound experience.
A certain relationship came up and we were able to release the shackles. I now feel less charged and have also noticed a subtle shift in how this person has been responding to me.
I can’t thank you enough for the HeartHealing™ session, it was so transformative! I found you gave me such a strong visual sense of where I was and what I needed to do. I came away from our session feeling incredibly light, almost as though some weight which has been there for such a long time had been lifted. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing experience .
Emma is compassionate and insightful. She has helped me find my way through some tough life challenges. Self exploration can be scary. Emma's methods make this work a little more fun and lot more fulfilling.
​Your Leading through the Heart HeartHealing® Journey will take place over 9 weeks.
It will include:
a Deep Dive into uncovering the hidden wounds of your heart and getting clear on all the things you want to be able to receive in your life (this alone triggers huge transformation).
4 profound HeartHealing® therapeutic sessions to deeply and rapidly heal your Receiving Wounds® and open your heart to receiving more confidence to become the woman and leader you know you where destined to be.
A personalised Heart Imprinting® Audio to imprint your transformation on a mind, heart and soul level for rapid and radical transformation and results.
And a final 30 minute coaching session to hold you accountable and support you to continue to benefit even further from your HeartHealing® experience once your package ends.
Support and healing tasks needed between sessions to maximise your transformation during our time together.
The investment for this transformative journey through the heart starts at $1555. There are three payment options.
Alternatively you can have a single HeartHealing™ session focussing on the ‘enoughness’ wound with me for $333.00 In this package you will receive a 30 minute complimetary introductory coaching session and a personalised Heart Imprinting® audio to listen to (and then to keep) for 25 days to complete your transformation.
Clients have had profound shifts from this one session alone.
"I didn't need that last 5 years of therapy" Marilynne, Canberra
Sign up for a one off Enoughness Wound HeartHealing® session with me here.
I know that it's important to you that when you do deep transformation work that you do it with someone you trust and someone who is qualified to support you through this.
I am a Level 2 HeartHealing™ practioner where I am required to maintain an active membership and meet licensing requirments through the HeartHealing™ Practitioners Acadamy. I am also a registered hypnotherapist with the American Board of Hypnotherapy and I have a coaching certification with Coaching Evolved.
I also have a Bachelor in Arts (Psychology) a Graduate Certificate in Adult Education a Masters in Knowledge Management (organisational culture). I had a 25 year corporate career spanning Organisational Learning and Development, in both the private and public sector, spending the last 5 years in Human Resources Management.