Join me and a group of like-minded women in my private Facebook for 5 days from the 18th to the 23rd of March 2024 where in less than 30 minutes each day I’ll show you how to be heard and use your influence for good without having to dim your light or change your personality!
AND I’m doing it for free.

Be heard and influence others
by dazzling your brilliance and making your presence felt.

Instead of having to tone things down you could turn things up and make your presence felt! Imagine what you could achieve and what good you could do if you where to implement those bold moves you play in your head!
Instead of always beeing the agreeable one who always has to compromises you could confidently state your case and change the minds and hearts of those around you?
Instead of staying quiet when you instinctively know that something isn’t quite right you can convince others to take a pause and check things out more thoroughly before finalising a big decsion?
Instead of worrying about how you’re going to get the numbers you need to push your team’s fantastic initiative forward you're energised by the opportunity to influence real change and your ability to capture the imagination of others?
When you harness the real power of affirmations and put them together with the energy of the seasonal archetypes you create a potent mix that reconnects you with your true sense of self.
Affirmations by themselves are so powerful they are used by high performance sportspeople, entrepreneurs, and leaders to keep them focussed on their vison and their values. They become their internal checkpoint to ensure they stay on track and in the direction they set for themselves.
Add the energy of the seasonal archetypes (after all, as women we reflect the natural ebbs, flows and cycles of nature) and you access the authentic power source available to women. Not the masculine version we've been squeezed into!
THAT'S RIGHT! We get to use our own special version of influence (aka magnetism!) and dazzle our brilliance for the good of all.
The wise and wild woman is the seasonal archetype of Autumn. She’s the dark presence that we find in the premenstrual stage of our cycle. The stage where things can get a little messy as our tolerance for being censored, tamed and suppressed is low. It’s a time when we feel all the feels and are compelled to speak our truth.
This stage of our cycle often gets a bad rap. It’s when we move from an outward focus to an inward focus, transitioning from masculine doing energy to the feminine being energy. It’s the time we are called to come back home, into our bodies to reconnect to our wisdom and deep knowing.
When we harness the energy of the wise, wild woman our psychic abilities are heightened, our intuition is spot on, and our BS detector is set to high!

Join me for 5 FREE Days of Seasonal Affirmations where I show you how to use the power of affirmations together with the energy of the seasonal archetypes to be heard and influence others for good.
SIGN UP NOW and you’ll get…

Immediate access to a workbook and journal combo filled with insights and ideas that you can use immediately to start believing in your self worth so you can be heard by others and influence for good. Valued at $249
5 powerful affirmations emailed directly to your inbox each morning to counteract the 5 most common disempowering thoughts of the seasonal archetype that stops you believing you are worthy of your position your ablity to influence others for good. Valued at $249
5 actionable videos sent to you each day to provide deeper trainings into the light and shadow sides of the seasonal archetype so you can see why it’s so easy it is to self-sabotage AND how you can counteract this. Valued at $249
Access to my private Facebook group and the opportunity to get your questions answered and receive personal feedback on your experience so you can implement your learning and get immediate results. Valued at $249.
A BONUS Masterclass at 12:00pm Friday 22nd of March where I'll deliver a powerful Ancestral HeartHealing™ session connecting you to your guardian ancestor (afterall your psycic abilties are strong during this season). You're not going to want to miss this one! (There will be a replay available for those who register but cannot attend live).
All of this is valued at over $1000 and all that’s required from you is less than an 30 minutes of your time each day (and your lunchbreak on Friday!) And yes it's free!
So, for the time it takes you to travel on the bus to work, mindlessly scroll through your socials or watch a mindnumbing TV show, you can get up close and personal with the wisdom of the Wise and Wild Woman Archetype and unlock her secrets to being heard and having the influence you want as a leader with something to say!
Hi I'm Emma
I’m a Success Coach for Women Leaders feeling at a crossroads in their careers. I help them gain clarity and confidence to decide the next move that’s right for them so they can rewrite the rules about what it means to be a leader in their field.
I spent 14 years in the public service growing my career from an APS 6 to a Senior Executive (SESB1) when I found myself burnt out and broken, eventually leaving a career I loved. If I knew then what I know now I would have done things differently! So, it’s my mission to make sure you get to grow your career in a way that feel good to you.
I have a background in organisational development and graduate qualifications in psychology, post graduate qualifications in adult learning and knowledge management. I am a certified embodiment coach, a registered hypnotherapist and Level 3 HeartHealing™ practitioner.
I use a powerful blend of these skills, experience and expertise to help my clients unlock their full potential to make the difference they desire AND be recognised and valued for the expertise they bring.

Self exploration can be scary. Emma's methods make this work more fun and a lot more fulfilling
I can now see the different choices that are available to me and I'm looking at these with a more heart-centred perspective
I discovered different perspectives. It was exactly what I needed to help me move forward.
Yep, I'm ready
Send me the 37-page workbook and journal combo filled with insights and ideas I can use RIGHT NOW to reclaim my worth so i can be heard and infkluence others for good valued at $249 that you’re giving me for free
Sign me up from Monday 18th of March to receive 5 powerful affirmations and videos emailed directly to my inbox over 5 consecutive days to counteract the 5 most common disempowering thoughts that are stopping me from being heard and influencing others. valued at $498 that you’re giving to me for free
Send me the link to join the private Facebook Group so I can share and reflect on the daily affirmations and trainings into the light and shadow sides of the Wise and Wild Woman Archetype. I’m ready to stop the self-sabotage! Valued at $249 that you’re giving to me for free
Is it true this is a FREE event? YES it is! I'm so excited to share the truth about why as women we don't feel heard to have the influence we want. I also want to give you the experience of what its like to re-connect with your body. Its the place where we as women store our wisdom. Once you tap back in it will feel like a homecoming.
How much time will I have to set aside each day? You will need LESS than 30 minutes each day to experience the power of this event. Just set aside some time in the morning to read your daily email and do the journalling activities and then watch the short daily videos for more indepth information and ideas on how to apply the days teachings . Finish each day reflecting using the journal. For less time than it takes to get to work on the bus, scroll mindlessly through social media or watch a show on TV, you can literally change your life (and your career!)
What if I miss a day? Thats OK! You'll have your email and the videos will be available until the end of March. You can still participate in the daily facebook activities and still be in the running for the giveaways! Yes there will be prizes!
What if I miss a day? Thats OK! You'll have your email and the videos will be available until the end of March. You can still participate in the daily facebook activities and still be in the running for the giveaways! Yes there will be prizes!